Peace And Understanding Through Travel And Hosting

Servas For Youth

The Servas concept is an absolute boon for youth as it provides them an opportunity to explore various cultures and people, through travel, in a very safe manner whilst staying with hosts. This also enables them to see the world on a budget!!

Servas Youth Language Programmes

The Servas Youth Language programmes give young Servas members an opportunity to improve their knowledge of a foreign language. Hospitality is offered by Servas hosts and coordinated between Servas groups in different countries.
This programme enables youth (aged between 18 to 30 years) from one country, wishing to improve his/her knowledge of a language spoken in another country, to visit and stay with a Servas member family/s in that country for a period of up to one month, though this may vary as per the convenience of both families

 Junior Servas Youth Language Experience (JUNIOR SYLE)

Aruja Gorad

Junior SYLE is for Servas members between 10 and 18 years old. It usually involves an exchange between young people so they can stay in each other’s homes. As the young people are not yet adults, any arrangements for a visit are agreed in advance between parents and host families.

Visits usually involve a stay of two to three weeks in each country. The aim is to offer an opportunity to experience life in another country within a safe home setting with good adult support and supervision. While developing language skills, the young people also have chance to gain a greater understanding of another culture.

                                         Servas Youth Experience 

My Experience: Ms. ARYA  KATWE 

Meet Margaret, an 80 year old lady who accepted to host me for a night at London. I had to fly from Luton airport to Inverness, Scotland on 24th morning but I wanted to spend a day in London to see the city gearing up for Christmas and new year. I had planned on sleeping in the airport overnight and boarding the flight the next morning. Fortunately, Margaret accepted to host me at the last minute.
 She has been living in a 4 bedroom house alone for the last 30 years. She underwent 3 surgeries last year; 2 knees and a shoulder replacement surgeries but has gotten back to driving already. She picked me up from the train station, prepared a delicious meal, gave me a cozy bedroom to sleep and drove me to airport the next day. She has a couple of degrees, has worked with refugees and has traveled to many countries. 
She wishes to travel to India but she says it might remain as a wish till the end since she has not been able to travel long distances post surgery. When I ask her if she gets bored being alone the whole day, she says she is quite busy singing in the choirs and doing social service. Hats off to people like her who don’t give up on life even though they have every reason to do so .
I could have stayed at hotels, rented out BnB, but thanks to organisations like Servas (, I get a chance to meet and know such incredible souls and make my travels more meaningful!
Servas India 2021-2022